Chanukah is an eight-day Jewish festival. It is called this because it commemorates the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem following a victory over the Syrian Greeks. It’s also known as “The Festival of Lights” because it starts at sundown on December 24th and ends eight days later on January 1st.

What is the Meaning of Chanukah Festival Of Lights?

The festival of Chanukah celebrates the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem in 165 BCE. It starts with a special prayer after dark on the 25th day of Kislev and continues for eight days.

The festival of Chanukah is also known as the festival of lights because it commemorates one day when there was enough oil to light a single lamp for just one day, but miraculously that single lamp burned for eight days. The holiday is celebrated with festivities and celebrations that include lighting candles, playing music and giving gifts to children, in all Jewish homes.

Giving at this time

One way to celebrate Chanukah is by giving. Giving to the needy, donating to charity, and taking time for yourself are all ways to celebrate this Jewish holiday.

There are many ways that one can give during Chanukah. One could donate money or goods, volunteer their time, or spend time with family members. The most common way of giving during Chanukah is through money. Gelt refers to the coins that people give as gifts during the festival of Chanukah which runs from December 8th-December 16th each year. Children will often receive gelt (money) as presents from friends and family members.

How Jews Celebrate Chanukah Around The World

Despite the fact that there is no one way to celebrate Chanukah, says Sam Kahn, Jews across the world share some traditions.

Chanukah is a lightful time of the year often occurring alongside Christmas. This national holiday is made to brighten up people’s lives all over the world, regardless of religion or culture.

 Sam Kahn says, whichever religion you might practice, Chanukah/Christmas, I think it’s all about the family gathering together, exchanging gifts, and the food. For me says Sam Kahn, it’s about the potato latkes and the jelly doughnuts. These foods are fried in oil to commemorate how important it was that they found enough oil to light for one says, Sam Kahn.

Jewish children take such enjoyment at lighting the Chanukah candles one each night. It is a Jewish tradition that commemorates the rededication of the Holy Temple of Jerusalem after its desecration by Antiochus IV. The Temple was rededicated on 25 Kislev, 165 BCE and so, Jews celebrate this historic event by lighting one candle each night for eight nights, says Samuel Nathen Kahn.

The Best Ways To Spend Your Channuka Night 

Looking for some Channuka Night fun for the whole family? Here are some ideas to make your night festive, meaningful, and enjoyable, says Sam Kahn.

For more insightful blogs please visit Sam Kahn website.

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