Hello, I am

Samuel Kahn, Professional Claims Adjustor

Samuel Kahn resides with his family in Manchester, United Kingdom, where he owns and operates a claims management business. A self-described ‘workaholic’ and ‘family-holic’, Samuel is also devoutly religious, attending synagogue three times daily.

Hello, I am

Samuel Kahn, Professional Regulated Claims Adjustor

Samuel Kahn resides with his family in Manchester, United Kingdom, where he owns and operates a regulated claims management business. A self-described ‘workaholic’ and ‘family-holic’, Samuel is also devoutly religious, attending synagogue three times daily.

About Me

How I Landed My Business?

Samuel’s family has always been business orientated. Even from a young age Sam remember’s it was always business, business, business, weekends, evenings it was always business.

This set a spark off in Samuel and at the age of 13, he started his business journey selling watches to classmates. You could even say it’s in his blood, Sam has always been a trader at heart.

Samuel’s industry Specialises in guiding people who have been mis-lead and lost money. This could be due to inexperienced financial advisors or even false information, whatever the case may be, your best interests didn’t come first.

Growth. Innovation. Trust

What The Special

Get To Know Me

I write a daily to-do list. I highlight the ones that I have done and I transfer the ones that haven’t yet been achieved to the next page. It’s old-fashioned but it works. . I only sleep 3 or 4 hours a night. During the day, I have back-to-back meetings, I have learning sessions, and I study every day.

What is success for Samuel Kahn?

The right amount of money, which is a very subjective and individualistic figure depending on the person, with the health and intellect to use it wisely.

In other words the ability to build more to help more is how I see success.

Sam says “helping people can be in many different ways and the way I like to help others is to give to charity, and help give people the ability to earn for themselves”

What is Sam's biggest obstacle?

Like everyone Sam has his own struggles to deal with that come with normal stress of a big family and a big business, Sam says one of the hardest things for him is having patience, Sam says “I like things to happen now, and its hard when you have someone who needs a result yesterday and you have to wait for the system to work”.

Daily Sam is learning the fine art of patience.

What is one trend that excited Sam?

Seeing a product succeed, or seeing a business that I’ve invested in or that I’m helping in any way succeed.

It’s better than a million pound. I get a real kick out of the success of others as well as my own personal growth and development.

My Industry

Sam became an expert within his field over the last ten years and has built a successful business around it. Sam’s business does not charge an upfront fee or charge based on time, they put their money where their mouth is and charge on results only.

Sam and his team are hungry to get positive results- they don’t get paid unless they do so you can be sure that he works hard on every single case- the more he achieves for his clients the more his business can build- it’s a win-win.

Sam says “the thrill, the ecstasy of seeing people receiving these payments make me happier than what I earn from it, to help people get back what they thought they lost forever is an amazing gift and let me assure you it does not come easy”.

About Me

What are my strongest sides and skills?

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53 Case Success

Donec bibendum purus quis velit tempor, eleifend tempor quam.

850 Happy Clients

Donec bibendum purus quis velit tempor, eleifend tempor quam.

45 Winning Awards

Donec bibendum purus quis velit tempor, eleifend tempor quam.

99 Projects Completed

Donec bibendum purus quis velit tempor, eleifend tempor quam.

Working Step

How I Bring Ideas To Life

Test, test, test, test, and test again

Sam is always looking for the next 'thing'. Sam holds the attitude that investing in something that may not work is ok- he believes in 'NEXT' which means if he does something and it fails then he takes control of that feeling and moves on. Sam believes in giving people opportunities where he can and believes that you need to test and explore and try in order to find your own personal success.


Sam believes that many people behave in certain ways to get reactions or attention, this can be through being silly to get a laugh, or gathering 20 people around you just so you can show people how clever you are. How does he know this? because he used to be this person. However, over the years Sam discovered that this was just holding him back from his true success and realised that sometimes being more selective with your time and attention can lead to stronger and more successful results and alliances.


Sam is a big believer in agenda's, even if it means using a yellow post-it note to make the agenda on. Sam likes to follow the agenda so that he does not go over time and also covers everything that is needed in the meeting- there is nothing worse then going into a meeting and having things you need to discuss to miss it all and talk about the snow. Sam says "When I start a meeting I tend to have my agenda in front of me and I take my watch off and put it in front but to the left of me- this keeps me on the ball and to the point". Sam also believes that its all in the follow-up- he says "not much point doing a production meeting if you are not going to follow everything up". Just following a clean agenda and doing the relevant follow-up should give you the basis to create/manage/ achieve the success you want out of life.

Donald trump

My Role Model

You’re going to love this. It is none other than Donald Trump. Now, I’m not endorsing his character, any of his mistakes, or any remarks that a person might find offensive. He is a serial entrepreneur with several knockdowns, by his own mistakes, the government, banks, or the economy. But he has always gotten back up and rebuilt his business. He’s a man of passion. If he wants to achieve something, he’s going for it. That is something I respect.

Growth. Innovation. Trust

What I Recommend To Other Entrepreneurs

Try to play fair. Even if it costs you money. Give a try to put yourself in the other person’s shoes. Try to feel what they would feel if you’re about to do something a bit sharp or a bit hurtful to their business. Sometimes you can build instead of destroying, you need the guts to do it.

When I hire a manager or a team leader and they ask me what the hours of the job are, my answer is “3 o’clock”. It’s a quote that I’ve invented. Then they ask, “what do you mean 3 o’clock?” “If you’re going to run this business for me, and you need to take time off at 3 pm and you’ve put things in place and things are going well, you can go and spend time with your family. You’re a manager. Off you go. Take responsibility. But if there’s a problem in the business that requires you, or a team member needs your urgent help at 3 am, I expect you to take that call, as well. So, the hours are 3 o’clock.” That’s my quote.
Samuel Kahn
Professional Claims Adjustor

Press Release

Samuel Nathan Kahn: Championing Business and Community in Prestwich

Samuel Nathan Kahn: Championing Business and Community in Prestwich

In the heart of Prestwich, Manchester, UK, Samuel Nathan Kahn, affectionately known as Sam Kahn, shines as a beacon of entrepreneurial spirit and community dedication. His story transcends business success, embodying a journey where professional achievements and profound community service intertwine seamlessly. The Entrepreneurial Drive of Sam Kahn Sam Kahn’s business acumen is evident in […]

Samuel Nathan Kahn: From Playground Entrepreneur to Prestwich Leader in Property and Claims Management

Samuel Nathan Kahn: From Playground Entrepreneur to Prestwich Leader in Property and Claims Management

Samuel Nathan Kahn: Prestwich’s Visionary in Property and Insurance Discover the inspiring journey of Samuel Nathan Kahn, who transformed from selling watches in his school playground at 13 to becoming a leading figure in property and claims management in Prestwich, Manchester. Explore the secrets behind his success and his profound impact on the community. Early […]

Samuel Nathan Kahn: Transforming Manchester Through Community and Trust

Samuel Nathan Kahn: Transforming Manchester Through Community and Trust

Samuel Nathan Kahn: Forging a Path of Integrity and Community in Manchester Discover how Samuel Nathan Kahn has reshaped Manchester’s business landscape by fostering trust and community connections within the property and insurance sectors. Explore his unwavering commitment to ethical business practices and community service. Building a Foundation of Trust In the bustling business environment […]